ABOUT MESince November 2024, I am a research assistant in the High Performance Computing (HPC) group and a Ph.D. student in the PhD Program Data Science at the University of Basel. I am working on improving scheduling in HPC systems using machine learning. I am also responsible for the μ-Cluster.
In 2024, I received my M.Sc. degree from the University of Basel in Computer Science, with a major in Machine Intelligence. My master’s thesis focused on improving the performance of the genomic context analysis tool GCsnap. I received my Bachelor’s degree from the University of Basel in 2022. My bachelor thesis was on benchmarking DAPHNE, an integrated data analysis pipeline for large-scale data management, HPC, and machine learning. Before diving into computer science, I earned an M.Sc. in Business and Economics and worked as a regional economic forecaster. You can contact me at: reto.krummenacher-at-unibas.ch
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